Top 15 pickup lines
01/09/2008Nice dress, can I talk you out of it? Are those space pants? Cuz your ass is out of this world! Fat Penguin. (she says what?) hey just had to…
Why Linux isn’t the best option for me
25/08/2008Linux, specifically Ubuntu, is a brilliant operating system. I’ve used quite a few distributions of Linux. Including: Ubuntu Kubuntu OpenSuse DSL (Damn Small Linux) Knoppix And more. As you can…
More reasons why Linux has failed on the desktop
24/08/2008Linux enthusiast Gary Nielsen has listed a few reasons why his desktop is still running the Windows Vista operating system and not an Open Source alternative. His top reason really…
Murphy’s computers laws
Any given program, when running, is obsolete. Any given program costs more and takes longer each time it is run. If a program is useful, it will have to be…