Fix Unresponsive or Frozen Linux Computers using Shortcuts
09/11/2008Linux systems are known for their stable operation, designed to be operational without reboot for years. However if you still manage to pull a string and freeze up your computer…
Apple receives patent for the OS X dock
09/10/2008Apple has received a patent for the dock utility for launching applications in OS X. Yes, the dock has been around for the better part of a decade, but Apple…
Why Linux isn’t the best option for me
25/08/2008Linux, specifically Ubuntu, is a brilliant operating system. I’ve used quite a few distributions of Linux. Including: Ubuntu Kubuntu OpenSuse DSL (Damn Small Linux) Knoppix And more. As you can…
More reasons why Linux has failed on the desktop
24/08/2008Linux enthusiast Gary Nielsen has listed a few reasons why his desktop is still running the Windows Vista operating system and not an Open Source alternative. His top reason really…
Desktop search engines
21/07/2008When the topic of desktop searching is brought, Google desktop and maybe Microsoft "Windows Search" are the only 2 competing software available both for windows only. I’ve tried both of…