Why are there too many Linux Distros
20/01/2013Linux (/ˈlinəks/) is An open-source version of the UNIX operating system. It’s kind of a big deal for Servers Mainframes and Super computers. More than 90% of today’s super computers…
Installing PHP on Windows 7
01/07/2011PHP is one of the most common web languages out there, Windows is the most used operating system in the world… So I’ll take a wild guess and say many…
How Programming Language Fanboys See Each Other
27/12/2009Holiday Fun: How Programming Language Fanboys See Each Others’ Languages.
The Best and the Worst Tech of the Decade
21/12/2009With only a few weeks left until we close out the ‘naughts and move into the teens, it’s almost obligatory to take a look back at the best and not-so-best…
Another cross platform post
19/01/2009About a couple of months now I’ve decided I was going to make my transition from Windows XP to Windows Vista (A bit too late, I know) So I got…